Introduction to Quantum Programming Languages



Quipper is a quantum circuit description language. It is functional in nature, so when writing Quipper programs you can think in terms of gates being applied in real time to qubit variables, just as you would for a classical functional program.

Quipper is implemented as a domain-specific language within the functional programming language Haskell. Quipper was developed at Dalhousie University by Peter Selinger, and remains open source. Its original goal was to to accurately estimate and reduce the computational resources required to implement quantum algorithms on a realistic quantum computer. It comes with a standard library implementation of 7 nontrivial reference quantum algorithms; compiling them into quantum circuits tells you how many qubits are needed exactly.

This brief survey will roughly follow the article An Introduction to Quantum Programming in Quipper. For much more information, see the Quipper homepage and the official Quipper documentation.

Circuit model

Quipper can express circuits that allow both quantum and classical wires and operations in the same circuit. Quantum operations can be controlled by a classical wire, but not the other way around. An explicit measurement operation turns a quantum wire into a classical wire.

Quipper’s circuit model also has scope: some (ancilla) wires are only used in part of a circuit, and may be explicitly initialised and terminated part-way the circuit.

There are three distinct phases of execution:

To keep the different kinds of input separate, Quipper uses three basic types for bits and qubits.

Bool can be converted into Bit, but not the other way around. Because measurements can only occur at circuit execution time, their outcome is a Bit, not a Bool.

Quipper is lazy. That is, when it evaluates a circuit-producing function, that circuit is produced on the fly. That is useful for very large circuits, which therefore don’t need to be stored in memory all at once. Circuits can also be consumed lazily.

Embedded language

Quipper is implemented as an embedded language within the host language Haskell, and the quipper compiler is really a wraparound for the Haskell compiler. Hence, Quipper really is a collection of data types, combinators, and functions within Haskell. However, not every Haskell program is a good Quipper program, and there is a preferred style of writing Quipper programs. If you don’t adhere to that style, there is no guarantee that Quipper acts as expected. Because of this more or less mandated programming style, you can also think of Quipper as a language in its own right, without thinking about Haskell.

Primitive operations

Here is a very simple Quipper function:

plus_minus :: Bool -> Circ Qubit
plus_minus b = do
  q <- qinit b
  r <- hadamard q
  return r

The first line is the type of the function. You could in fact leave it out, and the Quipper compiler will infer it. But for now it’s useful to see that the input to the function is a boolean parameter. The output type Circ Qubit says that the function results in a circuit that returns a single qubit. The body of the function uses three operations, that are evaluated in the given order. First, a variable q of type Qubit is initialised with value b. Here, False corresponds to \ket{0} and True corresponds to \ket{1}. Then, a hadamard operator is applied to the qubit, resulting in a new qubit r. Finally, r is returned as the output of the whole function.

You could evaluate this function as follows:

import Quipper
main = print_simple PDF (plus_minus False)

To obtain the following circuit as a PDF file:

Apart from the built-in function hadamard, you also have qnot for the X gate, and the infix operator 'controlled', that turns any operation into a controlled one. This code:

share :: Qubit -> Circ (Qubit, Qubit)
share a = do
  b <- qinit False
  b <- qnot b 'controlled' a
  return (a,b)

gives a 2-qubit circuit, where the second qubit is initialised \ket{0}, and a single CNOT gate is applied, that is, a circuit for the function \alpha\ket{0}+\beta\ket{1} \mapsto \alpha\ket{00} + \beta\ket{11}.

To measure a qubit, there is a function measure:

measurement :: Qubit -> Circ Bit
measurement q = do
  x <- measure q
  return x

If you no longer need a measurement result, or any other Bit, you can discard it:

cdiscard x


The Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm can now be written in Quipper as follows:

deutschjozsa :: (Qubit -> Qubit -> Qubit -> Circ (Qubit, Qubit, Qubit)) 
                -> Circ (Bit, Bit)
deutschjozsa (oracle) = do
  x <- qinit False
  y <- qinit False
  z <- qinit True
  hadamard x
  hadamard y
  hadamard z
  (x,y,z) <- oracle x y z
  hadamard x
  hadamard y
  (a,b) <- measure (x,y)
  return (a,b)

Here, oracle is a function of type Qubit -> Qubit -> Qubit -> Circ (Qubit, Qubit, Qubit); a circuit that turns 3 input qubits into 3 output qubits. Unlike in OpenQASM, we can feed the Quipper version of deutschjozsa any such function we like. It could be, as before:

oracle x y z = do
  qnot_at z `controlled` [x, y]
  return (x,y,z)

But it could also be any other function oracle of the right type.

Advanced mechanisms

Let us briefly touch on some of the more advanced mechanisms that Quipper offers.

Quantum data types

From the basic data types Bit and Qubit, you can build up more complicated data types, using tuples and lists. For example:

Every quantum data types has an associated classical data type, in this case (Bit,[Bit]), and an associated boolean data type, in this case (Bool,[Bool]).

Generic functions

The power of functional programming in Quipper comes to the fore with generic functions. We already saw measure, cdiscard, and print_simple. These are functions that can accept inputs of many different types. We won’t go into detail here, but for an example, here is a generic version of the plus_minus function above:

plus_minus_generic a = do
  qs <- qinit a
  qs <- mapUnitary hadamard qs
  return qs

This function does not just apply to Bool, but can also produce, for example, a circuit of type (Qubit,[Qubit]) out of (Bool,[Bool]).


In Quipper you can write circuit-producing functions that are recursive over any parameters known at circuit generation time. So, for example, you can recurse over a list of qubits. For a nice recursive implementation of the Quantum Fourier Transform, see An Introduction to Quantum Programming in Quipper.

Circuit operations

You can also write functions that take a circuit, say of type Circ [Qubit], and make new circuits based on it. For example, repeating a circuit a number of times, or reversing a circuit, or use a given circuit as a subcircuit in a larger circuit.

Finally, any classical reversible function can be turned into a circuit automatically by Quipper. Write a function such as

reversiblefunction :: (Bool, Bool, Bool) -> (Bool, Bool, Bool)
reversiblefunction x y z = y z x

and then turn it into a circuit by using the operation build_circuit just before:

reversiblefunction :: (Bool, Bool, Bool) -> (Bool, Bool, Bool)
reversiblefunction x y z = y z x


Quipper is one of few quantum programming languages with well-founded semantics. Haskell is well-studied academically, and many of its mathematical models extend to Quipper. For example, the crucial Circ construction is in fact a monad. However, some aspects of Quipper that would be useful for a quantum programming language are not well reflected in Haskell:

There is a family of descendants of Quipper, called Proto-Quipper, that aim to make Quipper a standalone language and semantics to remedy these issues.
