Introduction to Quantum Programming Languages



Q# is a domain-specific programming language (DSL), aimed at writing quantum algorithms without having to worry about implementation details such as the physical layout of a quantum computer.

The Q# language was developed by Microsoft, and is part of their wider Quantum Development Kit, which includes:

These last two points make Q# an interesting mix between an imperative and functional programming language: Q# itself is imperative, but it can be used in a functional way. It is also not (necessarily) a circuit description language, as quantum instructions are dispatched in order, and you can use measurement results as classical data in the continuation of your program.

The easiest way to use Q# is through Microsoft’s Integrated Development Environment called Visual Studio Code, following the installation instructions. There is official documentation that is quite comprehensive. The following survey will be much briefer.


Q# is an imperative language. Functions, called operations, take in variables, and may return values. For example, here is an operation that creates \ket{\pm} states:

operation PlusMinus(b : Bool) : Qubit {
    use q = Qubit();
    if b { X(q); }
    return q;

The first line says that the input is a Boolean value, and the output is a Qubit. The second line introduces a variable q, that is initialised to be of type Qubit, standardly to the value \ket{0}. If the input Boolean was true, an X gate is applied to turn q into \ket{1}. Then, H applies a Hadamard gate, and finally, the qubit is returned.

Apart from Hadamard, you can have controlled-not gates, with CNOT, which takes two Qubits. In fact, CNOT will accept a list of qubits to target, and a qubit to control them with, like so:

operation Oracle(cs : Qubit[], t : Qubit) : Unit is Adj {
    for c in cs {
        CNOT(c, t);

Here, Unit is a type that says that this operation does not return a value (like void in C). The annotation is Adj indicates that this operation implements a unitary transformation and has an adjoint specialisation. (There is also an annotation is Ctl indicating that the operation has a controlled specialisation, and is Adj+Ctl to say it has both.)

Here is an operation that implements \alpha\ket{0}+\beta\ket{1} \mapsto \alpha \ket{00} + \beta\ket{11}:

operation Share(a : Qubit) : (Qubit, Qubit) {
    use b = Qubit();
    return (a,b);

To measure, there is an operation M that takes a Qubit and has output type Result. A variable of type Result can only have two values: Zero and One.

operation GenerateRandomBit() : Result {
    use q = Qubit();
    return M(q);

Measurement using M automatically discard the qubit. When you no longer need an unmeasured Qubit, you need to Reset it. The compiler will complain if you have not discarded all qubits in use by the end of the program.

There are other types than Qubit and Result, such as Bool, Int, Double, and String, and you can build custom data types on those basic ones such as arrays.


To execute a Q# program takes some syntax. Here is a full implementation of the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm, using the operation Oracle above:

namespace DeutschJozsa {

    open Microsoft.Quantum.Canon;
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic;
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Measurement;

    operation DeutschJozsa(n:Int, oracle:((Qubit[], Qubit)=>Unit)) : Bool {
      mutable isFunctionConstant = true;
      use (qn, q2) = (Qubit[n], Qubit());
      ApplyToEachA(H, qn);
      oracle(qn, q2);                       
      ApplyToEachA(H, qn);
      if (MeasureAllZ(qn) != Zero) {
        set isFunctionConstant = false;
      return isFunctionConstant;

    operation Main() : Bool {
      Message($"The operation Oracle is ");
      mutable b = DeutschJozsa(1,Oracle);
      if (b) {
      } else {
    return b;

As you can see, a very nice feature of the Q# framework is that you can continue to compute using the result of a measurement as if nothing happened. This happens in Main above, where a Result type is coerced into Bool so the conditional if can act on it.

Advanced features

There are several advanced libraries and features to explore. For example:

open Microsoft.Quantum.Diagnostics;

provides an operation called DumpMachine, which will output the (simulated) current state of the computation. For example, if a qubit is initialised in state \ket{0}, DumpMachine will say so:

|0⟩:     1.000000 +  0.000000 i  ==     ******************** [ 1.000000 ]   
|1⟩:     0.000000 +  0.000000 i  ==                          [ 0.000000 ]
