Introduction to Quantum Programming Languages


OpenQASM is a circuit description language developed with near-term applications in mind, i.e., to program the (small and noisy) quantum computers we have today. Its main goal is to serve as an intermediate representation for higher-level compilers in order to interact with quantum hardware. For example, it can be used to interact with IBM’s quantum computers or Amazon’s Braket, although as we shall see in future notes, higher-level languages are also available for this task that use OpenQASM as a compilation target.

That it is a circuit description language means that OpenQASM programs are not meant to be run directly on a quantum computer. Instead, an OpenQASM program is run on a classical computer to produce a quantum circuit, which can then be handed off to a quantum computer for execution.

But why go through all of this trouble if, in the end, all we’re doing is describing quantum circuits?

There are multiple reasons why this can be beneficial:

You will likely recognise these as recurring themes in the other languages that we will look at later.

In what follows, we give a brief overview of the core of the language. The full documentation can be found at


OpenQASM is an imperative and statically-typed language. Statements are separated by semi-colons and whitespace is ignored.

Data types and variable declaration

Unsurprisingly, OpenQASM has types for declaring bits and qubits, as well as registers of bits and registers of qubits:

bit b;
bit[5] b_reg;

qubit q;
qubit[5] q_reg;

Note that registers have a fixed size and cannot be resized after declaration.

It is important to emphasize at this point that qubits cannot be initialised in the same statement as their declaration. In fact, the only built-in way to initialise a qubit is with the special statement reset, which sets the qubit to the 0 computational basis state:

qubit q;
reset q;

Unitary quantum gates

Unitary quantum operations on qubits are refered to as gates. There is only a single built-in gate, U. It parametrises a single-qubit unitary as a rotation of the Bloch sphere of the form:

U(a,b,c) = \begin{pmatrix} cos(a/2) & -e^{ic} sin(a/2) \\ e^{ib} sin(a/2) & e^{i(b+c)} cos(a/2) \end{pmatrix}

For example,

qubit q;
reset q;
U(pi,0,pi) q;

enacts a Pauli X gate on the qubit q. Since q was reset to the 0 basis state, q is then in the 1 basis state at the end of the program.

Since in common quantum circuits, the same gate can be applied many times, it would be cumbersome to use this syntax for each identical call. OpenQASM therefore provides a construct for abstracting gate names: the gate block. For example,

gate X a {
   U(pi, 0, pi) a;

abstracts the Pauli X gate used above, while

gate H a {
   U(pi/2, 0, pi) a;

constructs a Hadamard gate.

Controlled gates can be constructed by adding a ctrl modifier to a pre-existing gate:

ctrl @ U(a,b,c) q_reg[0], q_reg[1];

Formally speaking, this implements the gate 1 \oplus U(a,b,c). This can then be abstracted using the gate block:

gate CX a, b {
   ctrl @ U(pi, 0, pi) a, b;

CX q_reg[0], q_reg[1];

constucts and runs a quantum controlled-NOT or CX gate.

For instance, here is a simple circuit for generating a Bell state:

gate H a {
   U(pi/2, 0, pi) a;

gate CX a, b {
   ctrl @ U(pi, 0, pi) a, b;

qubit[2] q_reg;
reset q_reg;

H q_reg[0];
CX q_reg[0], q_reg[1];

The resulting state is the Bell state \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (\ket{00} + \ket{11})

Measurements and classical control

Finally, measurements are programmed with the following syntax:

bit b; 
qubit q;
reset q;

b = measure q;

This performs a measurement of the qubit q in the computational basis. The bit b can then be used to control future quantum gates with standard classical control flow: if-else statements, for loops, and while loops.

Finally, here is a circuit for quantum teleportation, which assembles all of these constructs:

gate H a {
   U(pi/2, 0, pi) a;

gate X {
   U(pi, 0, pi) a;

gate Z {
   U(0, 0, pi) a;

gate CX a, b {
   ctrl @ U(pi, 0, pi) a, b;

qubit input_state;
reset input_state;

// Create a Bell state
qubit[2] bell_state;
reset bell_state;
H bell_state[0];
CX bell_state[0], bell_state[1];

// Entangle the input state with Bell state
CX input_state, bell_state[0];

// Measure and correct
bit m1 = measure input_state;
bit m2 = measure bell_state[0];
if (m2 == true) {
    X bell_state[1];
if (m1 == true) {
   Z bell_state[1];


Let’s implement the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm in OpenQASM.

To keep the example small, we work on strings of two bits: n=2. The oracle function f \colon \{0,1\}^2 \to \{0,1\} needs to be balanced or constant. Let’s choose f to be the XOR function. This is balanced, because as many pairs of bits have XOR 0 (namely 00 and 11) as have XOR 1 (namely 01 and 10).

To implement the oracle, we have to turn it into a unitary on 3 qubits, that takes |x,y,z \rangle to |x,y,z \mathrel\text{ XOR } f(x,y)\rangle = |x,y,Z \mathrel{\text{ XOR }} (x \mathrel{\text{ XOR }} Y)\rangle. In other words, we need to find a 3-qubit unitary with the following truth table on computational basis states.

xyz x \mathrel{\text{ XOR }} y z \mathrel{\text{ XOR }} (x \mathrel{\text{ XOR }} y)
000 0 0
001 0 1
010 1 1
011 1 0
100 1 1
101 1 0
110 0 0
111 0 1

We can implement this unitary with two CNOT gates, and hence in OpenQASM as follows:

gate Oracle x, y, z {
    ctrl @ U(pi, 0, pi) x, z;
    ctrl @ U(pi, 0, pi) y, z;

With the oracle in hand, we can now implement the rest of the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm as follows: gate CX a, b { ctrl @ U(pi, 0, pi) a, b; }

gate H a {
   U(pi/2, 0, pi) a;

gate X a {
   U(pi, 0, pi) a;
// declare three qubits
qubit x;
qubit y;
qubit z;

// set the three qubits to |0>, |0>, and |1>
reset x;
reset y;
reset z;
X z;

// apply Hadamard to all three qubits
H x;
H y;
H z;

// apply the oracle
Oracle x, y, z;

// apply Hadamard to the first two qubits
H x;
H y;

// measure the first two qubits
bit a = measure x;
bit b = measure y;

The output bits are a=0 and b=0, showing that f was indeed balanced.


OpenQASM is a standard that has been defined in three different versions. You can declare which version your code is adhering to by having the following first line in your code:


OpenQASM 1.0 and 2.0 were mainly developed by IBM. For OpenQASM 2.0 there are several compilers that input OpenQASM code and output a quantum circuit, not least of which the Qiskit suite, which we will discuss next.

OpenQASM 3.0 has been defined and in beta since 2020, and is undergoing consultation by a wider consortium of stakeholders before becoming a finalised standard. As of the moment of writing this, support for OpenQASM 3.0 has not been added to any of the major compilers. Temporary support is provided to import OpenQASM 3.0 strings into Qiskit is provided by the Python package qiskit-qasm3-import.
